
Abdul Rafay Rana
a Game Developer.

About Me.

Dedicated and accomplished Unity Developer with nearly 10 years of experience in game development across multiple platforms. My journey began in September 2014, and since then, I have progressed through roles from Game Developer to Development Lead, consistently pushing the boundaries of creativity and technical excellence. With a proven track record in delivering immersive and innovative gaming experiences—including NFT-based games, VR/XR simulations, and multiplayer integrations, and wide genres of engaging games—I specialize in crafting high-quality, cutting-edge projects that stand out in the industry.


  • Developer Tools Unity | Visual Studio | Android Studio | Godot | VS Code
  • Technologies 2D | 3D | Multiplayer Photon Fusion | Firesbase | Firestore | Agora | SSO (Keycloak) | AR | VR | XR | MVR (Cave VR) | Git | Plastic SCM | Firebase | Metaverse | NFT
  • Platforms Android | WebGL | PC | IOS
  • Languages c# | javascript | JSON | Kotlin
  • Other Tools Blender
  • Other Skills Team Leadership